We would like to inform all our visitors that the use of BBQs, campfires, portable camping stoves of any kind will not be permitted during this weekend. Read below a message from Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service Group Commander Thom Morgan, of the HWFRS Protection department said:
“Litter continues to be dropped in large quantities despite the many reminders we’ve issued about the dangers this causes. We’ve seen how easily fires can be ignited and take hold over very wide areas in just a few minutes, with their huge impact on people’s safety and property.
“I would urge people not to discard litter of any kind, and above all please don’t take disposable barbecues out into the countryside. Have fun on our open spaces but please behave responsibly and remove all litter, either by disposing of it in official waste bins or taking it home with you.”
“Further information on how to stay safe and avoid causing fires or other incidents is on our website at Safety and advice | Hereford & Worcester Fire and Rescue Service (hwfire.org.uk).
“We’re grateful to the public for their support on this. Above all, stay safe!”
Out To Grass reserves the right if necessary to extend this notice further. Thank you for your cooperation in advance